At the meeting of Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Board of Directors on April 26, 2018, the board voted to approve a motion to change the names of its three regions (currently districts) to reflect the new structure of the organization. As of January 1, 2019, the three LCC Districts: ABC District will be known as West Region; Central District will be known as the Central Region, and East District will be known as East Region.
The Board’s approval of the name changes is one part of the ongoing changes to the structure of LCC. District Presidents will called Regional Pastor and ecclesiastical services will be transferred from the districts to LCC on January 1, 2019.
Another part of the process is the election of lay persons to the new Regional Mission and Ministry Councils. The Regional Pastor, Circuit Counsellor and RMMC members elected at their District Conventions will take office on January 1st. The term extends until the Synodical Convention in 2021. The current District Presidents and current Circuit Counsellors remain in office until December 31, 2018 so that there is no gap in service.
At the same meeting, the Board decided that Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton (CLS) will take responsibility for the preparation and certification of Directors of Parish Services (DPS). Students can work with either seminary, but CLS will grant the certification. In addition, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catharines will take the lead on the Pastors with Alternative Training (PAT) program. Previously the program was directed by LCC’s Mission Executive. Students can work with whichever seminary is closest, but CLTS will grant the educational and theological certification.