By Thomas Prachar

President Thomas Prachar
For the last while, I seem to be reminded again and again that I’m not as young as I used to be. My mind makes contracts my body can’t meet. I look forward to a dull evening. My knees buckle and my belt won’t. My back goes out more than I do. I know all the answers, but no one is asking me the questions. The other day I caught myself humming along with the elevator music. I got into a heated argument about pension plans. I had a party and the neighbours didn’t realize it. I was sure I just wrote a column for The Canadian Lutheran… I could go on, but you get the picture!
With retirement on the horizon, and fewer days ahead than there are behind in life, I’ve been reflecting more on the past, as well as dare I say it, “pondering” what the future holds. If age improves things like wine and cheese, why have generation upon generation had a difficult time respecting and honouring their elders? And now we have to contend with the “assisted dying” and “death with dignity” movements. I am encouraged to “check out” early if I feel my life is over. But how can I possibly know for certain that God has nothing further for me to do in this world? Death is ugly and anything but dignified, no matter how we try to make it better. Death was not part of God’s original plan when He first created humans in the Garden of Eden.
I’m here in this world until God decides to call me home. Until then, there is plenty to do and keep me busy, no matter my age. I can continue to tell others about my Saviour who loved this broken world so much that He died and rose again for sinners like you and me. I can let the love of my Saviour shine through me with attitudes and actions motivated by His love, thereby giving hope to others. I can pray for others so that our Lord may have mercy on them and richly bless them.
The Psalmist says: “The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age: they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him” (Ps. 92:12-15).
Even in old age, “ever full of sap and green”! Now, there’s something to ponder in the days ahead!
Rev. Thomas Prachar is president of the Central District of Lutheran Church–Canada