The LCMS logo for Reformation 2017 commemorations.
MORDEN, Manitoba – Kelly Klages, a member of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) and a gifted artist and hymnwriter, has seen two of her songs recently featured in resources for 500th anniversary commemorations of the Reformation by The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS).
“What an honour, and what fun, to work on creative projects for this particular Reformation anniversary,” Klages said. “Remembering and celebrating the renewal of God’s Word and the Gospel will, I pray, inspire us to do the same now, 500 years on.”
Klages’ hymn “Jesus Came a Babe Among Us” was featured in LCMS worship resources for use during services commemorating the birth of Martin Luther. “We remember Martin Luther’s birth,” the materials note, “in order to help us remember Jesus as our only Savior.” For that reason, the church was encouraged to recognize Luther’s birthday by focusing on the birth of the Christ he preached.
Another of Klages’ songs is featured in the 2017 Vacation Bible School curriculum from Concordia Publishing House, which is soon to be released. The theme for 2017’s VBS—Mighty Fortress: In Jesus, the Victory is Won!—draws inspiration from the Reformation anniversary year, and includes optional stories focusing on key events in the life of Martin Luther. One of the theme songs is by Klages, and is entitled “Thanks be to God.”
Klages is also developing artistic Reformation resources for use in Canada as well. She is currently working on a Reformation-themed banner design for use in LCC churches. She has also been commissioned to produce six pieces of art related to major events of the Reformation. This series will grace the covers of The Canadian Lutheran throughout 2017, and will be made available as posters for use in Lutheran Church–Canada congregations as part of their own Reformation commemorations.
Watch for these resources in The Canadian Lutheran and online at www.reformation2017.ca.